Ceo MessageCeo Message

Year 2023 was a challenging year. After covid and the growth in prevention related products. 2023 was a year when things became normal, and all other parts of our business started to see a upward movement. Many good things happened. We have a new normal. Living with new strains. And people are going about their lives. A lot more focus on technology as an enabler including generative Artificial Intelligence, which will not all be about job losses but more about improvement in outcomes. Climate change is risk and an event for all of us to prepare and hopefully do our best to avoid. We can play a role right from grass roots. While we build on our Environment, Social and Governance (“ESG”) commitments to increase the use of solar energy and more energy efficient technologies and make changes to many other items to reduce our carbon footprint. We improve our Governance and we work to build on our talent pool who will continue to live and grow beyond us.

While the world suffers from the grave realities of war/conflict and how it effects lives. Some of them we can see closely like in Yemen, Sudan, Ukraine and a developing political affects in Myanmar. Wars and political conflicts cannot be justified especially because lives are lost and many lose their livelihoods/ loved ones. Nothing else affects me more daily than these scenes I see every day and to witness the growth of inhumanity against fellow humans. Without taking any sides, Mega remains committed to all and remains in support of mental and physical wellbeing.

Mega continues to launch more products and make lives better by not only introducing good quality products but also at affordable prices. Mega continues to improve its standards of governance to promote fair business with shared benefits for all stakeholder. We continue to champion increasing levels of transparency in our dealings. We have promoted our values of Truth Trust Respect and Freedom in our 5,500+ employees whom we call family members and we have also begun to extend the values among our business partners including supply chain and customers. Quality and Affordability remain our hallmarks.

“Mega continues to improve its standards of governance to promote fair business with shared benefits for all stakeholder. We continue to champion increasing levels of transparency in our dealings. We have promoted our values of Truth Trust Respect and Freedom in our 5,500+ employees whom we call family members.”

I ask for nothing more in the years to come than for you, me and family/friends to live and grow up in a world that cares. A place where love is the way of life. Where we fight for good with our pen and our words. So new thoughts can flourish. So new energy can create a better tomorrow. So, the young can find a voice. And a place to live in harmony, no matter who you are, where you come from and which country you belong too and and who you pray to for peace and may your prayers be answered. Mega Continues to work for creating a better world and Mega will continue to build/possess courage to carry onto help people stay healthy as long as they live and to build love marks, make work fun and work honestly.

2024 will be another fresh year with product launches, newer business strategies, higher focus on sustainability and fresh excitement. We wish to have more courage to preserve the good, overcome those factors which affect our survival and create a future that will live and grow beyond all of us.

With love & care

Vivek Dhawan

CEO & Chief Coach